A new 3-year project called Firefighters. Improving Civil Protection in Ukraine at the Local Level was launched in 2021. The project is aimed at supporting the civil defence system in the communities of Ukraine through the creation of voluntary fire brigades, assistance to communities in the development of emergency response plans and training visits of representatives of communities, Main Departments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the relevant regions of the communities participating in the project to Poland to study Polish experience in this area.
Therefore, given the urgency of this problem, we expect that within the framework of the project, 16 territorial communities will receive both educational and methodological assistance in improving the civil defence system and assistance in providing volunteer fire brigades with specialized equipment.
The project sets ambitious goals – before the end of the three-year period, based on the practical organization of activities to promote the organization of civil defence in communities, the involvement of domestic and foreign experts, to prepare recommendations for optimizing Ukrainian legal regulations on voluntary fire brigades at the state level.
For more information on voluntary firefighting movement, please visit www.vognebortsi.in.ua.
The project is implemented by the Solidarity Fund PL within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and is co-financed by the Polish Cooperation Programme for the Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.