Orders at the Solidarity Fund PL are executed in accordance with the Order Awarding Policy (Procurement Policy).
Basic principles for making purchases at the Foundation:
- Equal treatment of all entities participating in the proceedings, that is, we do not discriminate against individual suppliers (contractors) on the basis of their legal status or ownership structure; we apply the same application evaluation criteria, deadlines, mode of explanation, and appeal measures to all offers;
- Fair competition, i.e., we assure every interested entity equal access to information on procurement and to orders at every stage of proceedings. At the same time, we require entities participating in procurement procedures to refrain from any acts or omissions that constitute unfair competition, such as engaging in acts contrary to the law or good morals. Acts of unfair competition may include misleading designation of a company, false or fraudulent designation of geographic origin of goods or services, misleading designation of goods or services, violation of business secrets, inducement to terminate or not perform a contract, imitation of products, slander or unfair praise, obstruction of market access, bribery of individuals involved in implementation of an order as well as unfair or prohibited advertising, organising an avalanche sales system, or offering an abnormally low price;
- Transparency of the procedure and the selection of the contractor meaning that the procurement procedure contains clear principles; we provide the means to verify the correct application of these principles and establish in advance the criteria under which the Foundation takes action;
- Zero tolerance for corruption meaning immediate exclusion of individuals and entities involved in corrupt practices from ongoing and future procurement proceedings and possible liability under Polish law, donor national law, and international law;
- Avoiding conflicts of interest, i.e., situations in which business, financial, family, political, or personal interests may adversely affect the impartiality and independence of those involved in the procurement proceedings.
All activities carried out as part of procurement proceedings must comply with the Anti-discrimination policy, Whistleblower Policy and Anti-conflict of interest policy.
The Foundation shall exercise due diligence to guarantee the funds are spent in an objective-related and economical manner, in line with the principles of obtaining the best results from given expenditures, optimal selection of methods and means to achieve the target set.
The mode of Request for Quotation shall be the basic mode of selecting a Contractor. For procurements below PLN 30,000, a simplified procedure of Market Survey may be used, while for amounts below PLN 10,000 – the sole source contract procurement mode applies which may also be used in special other cases provided for in the Procurement Policy.
In some cases, the Foundation may exclude an entity or entities from the procurement proceedings in the case of circumstances described in the Policy. If an entity takes appropriate remedial action and the Foundation deems it sufficient, we may agree to participation of such entity in the proceedings.
The entity that shall be selected in the procurement proceedings shall undergo due diligence, i.e., an examination of reliability and being subject to national and international sanctions. For this purpose, before concluding a contract, the pre-contract statement and declaration regarding Russian citizenship must be filled.